Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mystica, minura si Raffy Tulfo sa Facebook Live

In a video that has been doing rounds online is the one uploaded my Mystica herself in her own Facebook account the past week.

In a video were cursing and swearing words to Raffy Tulfo with regard to the teacher-and-child episode of Raffy Tulfo in Action. She expressed sympathy to the teacher by yelling that the child was not hurt or abused in any way. She added that the teacher only let the child sit outside the classroom. The teacher even gave her a seat, pointing out that the child was not harmed.

Yelling, and inappropriate cursing and swearing were almost the content of her entire video.

She mentioned about the time she went to Raffy Tulfo to ask for help about what certain individuals did to her, which according to her, maltreated and abused her.

The past episode of Mysica in Raffy Tulfo in Action there was a part where Raffy Tulfo asked her if she was using drugs. She denied it. Tulfo then asked her if it's alright for her that she will take a drug test and figure out if she's really on drugs or not. If the tests find out she's positive, Tulfo won't be able to help her. If not, then Tulfo will help her about her complain t certain personalities on TV.

Many netizens speculated that she was high on drugs.

To figure out, watch the video below:

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