Friday, June 11, 2021

What insect could Trillanes have eaten?

I think Filipinos know this guy who instilled fear when he cursed the Arroyo government by bringing grenades and bombs in a hotel somewhere in Makati. If I rememeber it right it was in 2003.

Fast forward he was out of jail through a pardon. I know because I read the news or rather watched him and saw him on TV.  He was out of prison. Fast forward again he ran for Senator and he won.

Image from ABS-CBN

Forward again, he ran for Vice President but he lost.

Rewind a bit from this year 2021 he was an ardent critic of President Rodrigo Duterte. He is risking his future just to bring down the man he hated: President Duterte.

Now in the recent months, weeks, days he declared a statement to the media that there is a possibility that he would run for President in 2022. 

All these just because of his hatred toward a man who did not accept his offer to make the former as his running mate (President) when he decided to run for Vice President before the filing of candidacy in 2016 Elections.

What could he have eaten these current times. Does he know that the majority of Filipinos hate him? Or let us say do not like him. Does he know that he is only known as an infamous person. Does he know that people only knew him through his sensationalized or fake bravery in the Oakwood Mutiny in 2003?

It's only at those time he became known to the public, for the delusional, self-proclaimed heroism he brought it upon himself, and then make that kind of doing be used as his forefront to fill his ambition to become a politician. People know it. I can tell because almost all of my neighbors and strangers I meet in the streets, relatives, friends all hate him. Just because I'm from Davao doesn't mean this is bias. Look at the social media issues today, Just look at the comments section. Even his own post in his own Facebook account are mired with not only bashes but aversion of his character or even him as a buman being. His despicable nature had already been overly publicized. Does he know it?

image from Facebook

So now, what in the world Trillanes could have eaten these recent months? Why he cannot accept the fact that he couldnt and wouldn't win against a strong and very popular Dutertes? I wonder why. Is he incredibly incorrigible, delusional man? Is he insane?

What insect could he have eaten? Did he eat the poop of a cockroach or a mouse?

Oh wait have you seen this man eat a food on TV or in person? I haven't. I wonder why.

What do you think?