Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Duterte, dismayado kay VP Robredo: I do not trust her

After a long while, President Rodrigo Duterte appeared before the media last night (November 19, 2019) in Malacanang. He was apparently in good shape. On intervals he would crack some jokes and foolishness to entertain the media. But the part that people were most interested in was his thoughts on VP Robredo, as the social media recently was packed with trending Robredo memes, satire, opinions on her job as anti-drug czar. It was just on time when the first question from a reporter was about this issue.

This is the excerpts of his speech about VP Robredo:

"Ang problema kay Robredo is, right afte she was appointed, she bagen talking publicly about...inviting the human rights Commission, she was talking to the United nations, she want to talk to a marami na siyang pinagsasabi. Kung ganon, sabi ko, I cannot appoint her as a cabinet member. That is the way her mouth behaves. There will never be a position for her. Kasi kung cabonetmember sana siya, with an authority 'cause she would be the alter ego of me...Ang problema kasi dito, I cannot trust her,not oly because, not only ha, not only because she is wih the opposition...I do not trust her because I do not know her. Hindi ko alam kung sino ang kausap niya noon, sinung mga politiko."

It was obvious that the President was dismayed on what VP Robredo has been doing as co chairman of the ICAD, Inter-Agency Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs. Instead of doing his job, coopering with the police and the PDEA, she is always being seen on TV with teh media, saying some things about the war on drugs, about things she has recently discovered. As we all know she always appears on TV for interviews, gesturing as if today is election time.

The most unpleasant Duterte said, as a netizen would describe, ang sakit, was 'I do not trust her.'

Duterte also mentioned about the election, that it is a noble thing, as long as you don't mix it with politics, because politics is always dirty. Duterte was probably referring to the last Presidential Elections where he and the VP won against their contenders, and now Robredo was being dragged or being forced to do dirty politics. Robredo was with the Liberal Party, the party where former President Corazon Aquino was a member, and our hero Senator Ninoy Aquino, and his son Noynoy Aquino, also a former President. It was a party that toppled down the Marcos government in 1986 through EDSA Revolution.

In his speech, we can notice and feel there was some message he was trying to convey, although there are portions we cannot seem to get, because he don't continue a sentence or a statement. He would pursue to another one.

Duterte is being known as like this in his speech. Some experts say, it is because his brain works faster than her mouth, the reason why sometimes he don't continue his sentences when he talks.

In the entire speech we can gather good ideas and realizations about what is the state of the country right now, the Geo politics, the war on drugs, and his health. His health according to him is not so good, simply because he is already 74 years old, he said. As all 74-year-olds have some sort of sickness. There was one question from the reporter which he did not or had not been able to answer it, maybe due to his hearing deficiencies, or he was being careful about what he could utter. He only said that as long as he can talk well, reason well, in front of the media and the public, he is in a good condition. He meant that he has no serious illness.

Watch the video below courtesy of PCOO facebook page:

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