Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Former President Ramos, Arroyo, posibleng makasuhan ng conspiracy to commit economic sabotage

In a recent press conference of spokesman Panelo with the Malacanang Press Crops, he said that if former Presidents Fidel V. Ramos and Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is proven to had been conspired in economic sabotage along with the water concessionaires, Maynilad and Manila Water, they could land in jail.

This is Panelo's response after a reporter asked him about the implication and the involvement of the past Presidents, who was at their administrations when the erroneous contracts had been created and extended.

Watch the video below:

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

DUTERTE to MAYNILAD: Pag makita ko kayo, kumuton ko nang nawong ninyu dha!

President Duterte once again continued his sentiments and anger against the oligarchs in the country, particularly the Manynilad Water company. He mentioned about the water treatment that was not really been implemented well but people are still paying for it.

He said the harsh statement to the people of Maynilad, including the CEO and the big men of the company. He said, if he sees the people from Maynilad, just better be sure that he will not, he will crumpled their faces. It's more funny when it is said in Bisaya. He said it in Bisaya: kumuton ko nang inyung mga nawong.

Watch the video below a 21:50.

Duterte, sisiguruhin na ipapasara ang ABS-CBN sa 2020: I will see to it that you're out

President Duterte in the same speech about an hour ago in Malacanang, he hit the family name Ongpin, ABS-CBN, and Philippine Daily Inquirer.

He pointed out that the real corruption is not by the millions but billions, and these people who commit this great corruption are on the top positions. He added that it is with the old cronies of the previous administrations.

The President also included TV network ABS-CBN. He told that ABS-CBN did in the past Presidential Elections to certain candidates including him. That the network never aired their elections campaign video. He said:

"Yang Abs cbn. your piece of.. Yang franchise nyo mag end na next year. If you're expecting ma renew yan, I'm sorry, you're out. I will see to it that you're out. Ilan kaming mga kandidato na kinuha nyo pera namin but never aired our propaganda. Ako si Chiz Escudero lahat kami. Pero ang propaganda ni Trillanes portraying children which really was a prohibited act, violation of the election code."

"Now you come to me begging. Ang kawawa yang 2nd generation na. Walang ka muwang muwang. kayo mga putangina kayo. yahn inquirer yang 4 billion ninyo."

Watch the entire statements by watching the video below:

DUTERTE, galit na galit kay Pangilinan at Ayala dahil sa walang supply ng tubig sa Metro Manila

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte in his speech in Malacanang, in line with the newly appointed government employees about an hour ago, opened up an issue about water in Manila.

The President told a story in a few months back when Manila ran out of water in faucets for three days. He was in Davao at that time. He called somebody, he said, when he was in Davao and said over the phone, "I will be there tomorrow, and if there is still no water there, I will slap the faces of people responsible for it. He said it with zest without fear. He even pointed out that he is ready to step down if he will be reprimanded by the courts of law from doing so. He doesn't care he said.

He mentioned the Pangilinans and the Ayalas, the big companies owners of Maynilad and Manila Water Company. He said that these people, the owners of these companies are fucking with Filipinos. He said they are shitting us Filipinos by not distributing the water in the metro. He added that in the contract, the water which is supposed to be a natural resource, it turned out to be a commodity.

The President also said, the government cannot interfere, because if it does, they the companies will sue the government and they will be awarded millions because they choose an arbitration. It is a group pf corporations, the Pangilinans and Ayalas. Due to that, the companies cannot raise or lower the price of water in the country because of the membership on that arbitrary in South East Asian countries.

Watch the video below: