Monday, March 23, 2020


The first Filipino reported to have covid-19 appeared on CNN Philippines. He recounted how he fought the disease. “I was COVID-19 patient no. 4. As patient no. 4, I was the first Filipino to be confirmed positive after a lull of more than a month following the three Chinese travelers from Wuhan, ”said Carlo Llanes Navarro.

According to Navarro, they traveled to Japan with his family before the covid-19 situation worsened in that country. Overseas, he and his family mentioned that they have taken preventive measures against the disease.

“In Tokyo, we thought we were making-up for the risk by always wearing our masks, vigorously washing and rubbing our hands with alcohol and Thieves essential oil, and wearing disposable latex gloves which we regularly changed and threw away throughout our five days there , ”Navarro promised.

Navarro suspects he got the virus inside the plane that flew him back to the Philippines. There was a passenger coughing wildly behind him.

After a week he was diagnosed with a fever. And here he says he decided to go to the hospital.

“Came down with the chills and a low grade fever of 37.7 degrees Celsius… That night of March 3, I decided to play it safe and that I be immediately tested. St. Luke's hospital did not see the need to test me. The hospital said my symptoms were mild, and Japan is not a Covid-19 hotspot, ”Navarro said.

Two days after being discharged at the hospital he lost his fever but was replaced by body aches and coughing. That same day he learned that he had been positive for the disease. But his roommates were negative.

“At this point, while in RITM, I prayed fervently to spare all of them. My mind was raising with scenarios that Evie and Gia [wife and daughter] survived in RITM. All their tests came back negative. Thank God! All I need now is to worry about myself, ”Navarro added.

He said he remained in the hospital for two weeks and was discharged.

According to Navarro, ignorance and lack of action is one of the quickest ways to spread the disease. He also insists on being honest if you are infected.

{Source: CNN}

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