Saturday, November 9, 2019

Polisiya ni VP Robredo sa Drug War: Hugs Not Bullets, ikinigalit ng Chicago Tribune

There is an apparent differences now between the current administration's stand on it's war on drugs and the recent statement of VP Robredo on her policy in her new position as co chairperson of the Inter-Agency Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs (ICAD). 

While the Duterte admin is all tough on it's task to minimize, if not eradicate the illegal drugs in the country, the newly appointed anti drug Czar is going in the opposite direction.

Blogger RJ Nieto of Thinking Pinoy, expressed his sentiments on what he heard about Robredo's policy on the war on drugs, the hugs not bullets policy. This is after reading The Chicago Tribune article that says about this particular policy that is now that of the Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. 

The writer himself disagrees with the statement of the Mexican President saying that war will not work. 

This even with the recent gun shooting accident that killed 6 children of one family after one Mob family mistakenly identified SUV cars as owned by an enemy of the Mob family Mormon, the LeBaron family.

The incident porabably initiated the Mexican President into thinking more casualties and more war will take place if the government will also wage war against the gangsters, wherein it's exactly the opposite in the minds of many, including the writer of the article by The Chicago Tribune. The more the government should wage war and have an ironhand in dealing with Mexico's problem on illegal drugs.

This then fumed RJ Nieto, comparing VP Robredo soft and lax policy against people linked in illegal drugs, the hard criminals. Here is RJ Nieto' s post on Facebook, looks to be very serious:


The American newspaper Chicago Tribune's editorial board, in its 05 November 2019 editorial, said the Mexican "Hugs not Bullets" policy is not working, strongly suggesting to authorities that a much tougher, much harsher stance against Drug Cartels is needed [].

Drug Czarina VP Leni Robredo, care to comment?

P.S. VP Leni, pakilinaw na rin po yung mga rumor na mali ang rinig ng ilang politiko sa "Hugs not Bullets" policy suggestion na 'to." 

See the meme below from his Facebook page:

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