Thursday, February 13, 2020

ABS-CBN pwede pa mag operate sa ere kahit expire na ang prangkisa

ABS-CBN can still continue broadcasting even after its franchise expires on March 30, 2020. Until Congress has not yet dismissed the application or until the 18th Congress ends, the giant network can still continue to operate.

According to Isabela Rep. Tonypet Albano, vice chairman of the House committee on legislative franchises: what's happening to ABS-CBN now does not mean that it will close immediately when its franchise expires next month.

“It does not mean that ABS-CBN will close completely because of the rule of thumb and I believe this in the committee we were briefed on this is that while 18th Congress is still ongoing it will not stop ABS-CBN's services as long as "The 18th Congress is not over," Albano said. “Maybe the others are worried by the March 30th expiration of their contract because they filed the petition in the House of Representatives then this petition is being heard and then by the virtue of the fact that we say clearance in Congress has not been filed because it has applied they are in a position. ”

Albano did not support the call of Buhay Rep. Rep. Atienza for Palawan Rep. Franz Alvarez to resign, chairman of the committee, if he would not do something about ABS-CBN application.

“I do believe we do not support the call of Rep. Atienza. We know for a fact that we have a hardworking chairman; that the chairman is doing his best. ”

There are 11 proposals in the Chamber of Representatives in connection with the ABS-CBN franchise renewal.

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