Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ben Tulfo to Isko Moreno: Bakuran mo, linisin mo!

Ben Tulfo on his Bitag Youtube channel, a video has been uploaded, which is now number 11 on trending, an episode of his show about the city administrator of Manila named Felixberto Espiritu. The video introed by Ben Tulfo saying the episode is purely work and not personal. In any case, however Tulfo said, addressing to Manila Mayor isko Moreno, I don't care if you will get mad at me on this. Tulfo said, his show is not showbiz style. So it's not their style to beg some personality or popular politician just to have an interview. The city administrator is at fault, so it is to the Mayor's attention to know the doings of his office crew.

According to Ben Tulfo's episode, this city administrator is using a government vehicle for private purposes. Espiritu is using it to carry beers for his restaurant. So this city administrator apparently is a businessman.

Caught in a video in this episode by Ben Tulfo a man carrying cases of beer at the back of this vehicle, a Revo with a red plate number. Another vehicle with red plate number, Ford Ranger, was also caught in the video.

October 23 when the Bitag team sent a letter to Manila Mayor Isko to report his city administrator using a government vehicle outside of public use.

It was told in the video that out of respect to the mayor's office, they did not show the video yet to Isko. They decided to wait for Mayor Isko's response before the team will reveal the contents in the video. However, three weeks had passed, they receive no reply.

On November 13, 2019, the Bitag team went to the Mayor's office to face Mayor Isko himself so that Ben Tulfo can talk to Mayor Isko in person. After they waited in the Manila City Hall for three hours, they were informed by one of the Mayor's crew that Mayor Isko couldn't attend to their purpose.

Watch the video in YouTube to know more of this story. Click the link below:

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