Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Sen. Pangilinan, napahiya sa isang Radio Host: 'Saan ka Kumukuha ng Kapal ng Mukha? Wala kang K na Turuan ang DU30 Govt’

Senator Kiko Pangilinan recently posted a portion of his privilege speech on the state of farmers on his social media account. The post is attributed to the Duterte Administration in the agricultural sector.

“It is difficult for the peasants to suffer more. Seeds, dear. Crude, expensive. Fertilizer, expensive. Insecticide, dear. Rent a plant, dear. Then they will buy rice which is very cheap. How to pay off the debt owed? The farmers are dead, ”Pangilinan shared on his Twitter account.

“This is an extremely serious concern that should be addressed urgently not just by the administration, but everyone who eats, as it will throw vulnerable sectors into a worse state of poverty and hunger. We are in an emergency situation and our farmers need urgent help. The small demands of the farmers for us to live and not leave their fields and continue cultivating the land for all of us to eat, ”said Pangilinan's privilege speech.

Senator Pangilinan's speech was not missed by radio host Mark Lopez. According to Lopez, Pangilinan has been in power for a long time but has done nothing. There is also no place for them to discuss the issue.

“Mr. Pangilinan, you were once in power when you were Presidential adviser on Food Security. You haven't done anything. Nothing! And you are part of the most inept administration ever. What makes you think you have the ascendancy to discuss the problems of farmers is that you are abusive, ”Lopez said.

“Well, what is it that K officials of the former administration are going to ask and lecture the current government on what to do?
Where does Kiko Cuneta really get his shameless statements? ” Lopez added.

{Source: Mark Lopez | Luminous | Senate}

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