Wednesday, May 12, 2021

President Duterte Shows Mockery Of His Own Joke in 2016

President Duterte on his latest speech, May 10, 2021, in Davao City, responded once and for all the 'jestski' boruhahas. He said that he really bought a jetski but it was not brand new. It was slightly used, second-hand. And that he thought of the size and number of tanks of the jetski that he was finding solution on how to get gasoline for those tanks. He said he tried going to the sea but then all he found was all water. There was no gasoline stations around. President Durterte obviously joked around here. He intentionally mocked the critics in response to his previous statement in the 2016 Elections campaign that he said, or rather promise, he would go to the Scarborough Shoals with a jestski and bring a Philippine flag around. He said it has a bravado, to meant that really was ready to die for his people; for his country.
{Image above: Davao Vice Mayor, and Presidential son, Baste Duterte with his jetski and the Philippine flag. Image from Philippine Star:}

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